If you’ve ever used Google to find a business, then you know how important it is to establish your law firm’s presence on Google Maps. Without a Google Maps listing, it’s improbable that Google users will find your firm since it won’t rank in local search results. Fortunately, claiming and optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) listing is a relatively simple process — and one that can net you substantial returns. By optimizing your GMB, your firm can rank higher in local search results, potentially leading to increased leads and conversions.

Curious about how to fill in the details? Here are the steps you need to take.

Create Your Business Listing

If you’ve never logged in to GMG before, you’ll need to sign in with the Google account you plan to use to manage your GMB. If this is your first time signing in to GMB, a map will appear where you can enter your business details. To accurately represent your firm in Google Maps search results, you’ll need to create a listing for each physical location that your firm has. Just type in any variation of your firm’s name that you have used throughout the past. If you recognize any of Google’s suggestions as one of your firm’s locations, click continue and follow the prompts to verify. When you arrive at the verification page, you must prove that you are authorized to manage the site you entered. Finally, click continue to move on to the next step in the verification process.

Verify Your Listing

When you enter your firm’s location, it will not appear in Google Maps until you have verified it. If you are merely making changes to an existing listing, your changes will not appear until you finish the verification process. To complete the verification process, click the “verify now” button that appears at the top of the page. When you do, you can choose how you would like to verify your firm’s location.

Most often, you’ll see an option to receive a postcard in the mail, but occasionally, you may also choose the verify via phone or text message. Select your preferred verification method and wait for Google to send you the required info. When you receive your verification code via email, phone or text, enter it into your GMB account and click “submit.” Your listing should now appear in Google Maps.

Optimize Your Listing

First, you’ll need to optimize your business name. You should list it exactly as it appears on your firm’s website to help Google users find you. You may not include any modifiers detailing your specialty unless they are an official part of your firm’s name.

Next, you’ll need to choose your business categories. Categories describe what type of business you are listing, and in the case of a law firm, you’ll want to select your firm’s specialties. Start with your primary category and add up to a total of 10 categories to describe your firm. As you progress through the optimization process, you’ll add details about your firm’s address, business hours, phone numbers, websites, photos and location attributes.

Merge Duplicate Listings

If you noticed duplicate listings when you initially entered your firm in GMB, now is the time to make sure you merge them with the correct listings. You’ll need to find all duplicate listing in GMB, record their URLs and contact Google support to have the duplicates merged.

Collect Google Reviews

Reviews can determine how your firm ranks in the local map listings, so you’ll want to collect as many online reviews for your law firm as possible. To do so, ask both current and former clients to leave a review for your firm on your Google Maps listing. To increase your chances of garnering more reviews, send clients a direct link to your URL as soon as they leave your office, or consider calling them to personally. Reviews will help you rank higher in your local listings, and can also help potential clients determine whether they want to work with you in the future.

Need a helping hand? Contact our law firm marketing agency experts at Market My Market to establish a winning SEO strategy for your law firm. We’ll optimize your Google My Business and work to get your law firm at the top of the SERPs. Get a free quote by filling out this form.