Written by Market My Market’s content team, with contributions from Lindsay Bennett-Guido, Tanner Mowery, Katie McLoughlin, and Hannah Kernal 

Creating attention-grabbing content that results in leads and conversions can be difficult, but it isn’t impossible. At Market My Market, our content writers have a few tricks up their sleeves that make it much easier to reach our intended audience more meaningfully. 

We focus on the individuals reading our content, carefully considering how the content will be received and breaking down information in a way that many can easily understand. Nevertheless, each of our writers has their own style and individual focus, making every piece different and outstanding. Depending on the writer, the focus may feel more attuned to various people in need of support.

Hannah Kernal — Content Writer

As someone who has previously worked at a law firm, I have some hands-on experience working with lawyers directly. I know what attorneys are concerned about when they first interact with their clients, including the information they are looking for and the type of assistance they might need. 

A deep understanding of the client-attorney relationship makes it much easier to prepare a client before they begin working with their lawyer. This also reduces stress for everyone involved, as the client knows more about what to expect before making that first phone call.

Empathizing with the reader is also extremely important, as you must acknowledge that most of them are experiencing great worry. Many are also navigating the legal system for the first time, so they are less sure what to expect. Communicating that someone else can help them handle their legal matters, avoid mistakes, and speak on their behalf can feel comforting in their time of need.

Lindsay Bennett-Guido — Content Specialist

When writing legal content, nothing is more attention-grabbing than the facts. Did you know that according to crash data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than six million car accidents occur annually? Using facts and statistics from credible sources can not only hook readers but also boost your credibility as an authoritative and well-researched source. Incorporating links to legal statutes may not be as riveting as a surprising statistic, but it can make your firm stand out as both honest and fact-based. 

However, links to statistics and statutes don’t mean much without easy-to-read copy explaining the significance of these facts. Breaking down complex legal concepts into a digestible blog or page is critical to getting your point across and keeping your reader’s attention. Using examples for dense topics and keeping a friendly yet straightforward tone can help you connect and build trust with your readers.

Tanner Mowery — Content Writer

In a world stuffed to the brim with digital legal content, it can feel puzzling to have your writing stand out from the rest. This challenge is only made more overwhelming when it comes to tricky legal topics and intensive laws. How can you possibly break down something so dense in a way that is not only palatable to the reader, but different from the competition? In my experience, I begin by approaching the topic through the lens of storybranding. This framework allows me to break down even the most convoluted and complex of legal topics and turn them into eye-popping and easily absorbable pieces of content. 

The storybranding technique has you begin by mapping out the reader’s problem they are looking to solve. By tying the piece back to the intended audience specifically, you are crafting a blog that is more likely to draw in readers. Nobody wants to click on and actually sit down and trudge through a long article where their specific needs aren’t immediately addressed. 

Elevate Your Law Firm’s Content With Market My Market’s In-House Content Team

Legal content often involves complex topics and laws that may intimidate readers, but at Market My Market, we understand how to make these pieces engaging and keep readers interested. With elements of storybranding, a digestible structure, and a concise approach, our in-house content team creates content that answers readers’ questions in an easy-to-read way while still including important information they need to know. This helps establish your firm’s credibility while maintaining readers’ attention and encouraging them to reach out to you.

Are you ready to take your law firm’s content to the next level? At Market My Market, we go above and beyond to create customized, well-ranking content for our clients across the United States. With our support, you can boost your business’s performance while focusing on what you do best. To learn more about our services, call us at (800) 997-7336 or fill out our contact form today.