Written by Market My Market’s content team, with contributions from Lindsay Bennett-Guido, Tanner Mowery, Katie McLoughlin, and Hannah Kernal 

Long-form content can often be a double-edged sword. It allows readers to get all the information they need in one place, but it can also be overwhelming to see large amounts of text, potentially encouraging them to leave the page altogether. Our content team at Market My Market understands the pros and cons of long-form content and implements effective and innovative strategies to keep readers engaged.

Our in-house team creates meaningful content with our clients and their readers in mind. Therefore, when faced with long-form pieces, we use our expertise to demonstrate our clients’ authority and experience while maintaining user attention and ultimately urging them to take action. With every writer on our team having a unique voice and style, each one takes their own approach to creating high-quality, long-form content.

Katie McLoughlin — Content Writer

While writing long-form content is a standard part of our jobs as Market My Market content writers, it presents a challenge that involves balancing complex topics, like legal and dental subjects, with readability. When approaching this type of content, I think about how I can best break the topic into small, easily digestible parts so readers can quickly find the answers to their questions while still providing valuable information. Even breaking one subject into sections can make the piece much less intimidating, especially on mobile devices.

In addition to breaking up long-form content into skimmable parts, I implement storybranding elements into my writing to appeal directly to readers. Storybranding is a framework that uses a storytelling formula to show readers how our clients can help them solve their problems. This tool helps streamline long-form content’s message while establishing trust between readers and our clients. With these techniques, I can write longer content that speaks to readers and addresses the full scope of the subject matter at hand. 

Lindsay Bennett-Guido — Content Specialist

When writing long-form content, it is essential to go in with a clear plan of action. An outline of relevant sections–ideally more than you think you’ll need–can help your content stay on track, even at word counts of 3,000 or more. Without an outline, it’s easy to meander into writing fluff just to reach the word count. When choosing which sections to include, I try to place myself in the reader’s shoes. If I were facing a legal or medical issue, what questions would I have? This approach helps me keep the reader’s experience at the forefront of my mind while writing. 

Once I have a plan in place, the longer word count allows me more space to go into more detail about each subtopic. Often, legal and medical concepts can be complex. While it’s essential to keep the language straightforward and empathetic, I can also explore the topic in more detail through examples. A well-written example can give readers much more context than a simple explanation of the law, providing more value.

Hannah Kernal — Content Writer

When we’re given more significant assignments with longer word count expectations, we get to spread our proverbial writing wings. Ideally, we want every piece to cover the basics so readers can understand the information in front of them easily and quickly. But there’s also an argument for going into greater depth so readers can more thoroughly understand.

If I’m writing a personal injury page about car accidents, there may be value in creating several short sections that break down different parts of the law quickly. However, there may also be value in creating longer sections that go into greater detail. I may be able to fit four smaller topics into a 1,000-word page, or I can go into greater detail with just two topics. 

It’s ultimately all about weighing the value of individual topics and breakdowns and attempting to meet readers where they are.

Unlock the Secrets of Long-Form Content with Market My Market Today

Creating engaging, readable, and effective long-form content can be a daunting task, especially when addressing comprehensive topics and intricate laws. Market My Market’s content team excels in crafting long-form content that not only captures the essence of complex legal matters but does so in a way that’s compelling for readers. Utilizing a blend of storytelling, structured clarity, and precision, our specialists transform extensive topics into captivating narratives. This approach not only answers your audience’s pressing questions but does so in a manner that’s accessible and retains vital information.

Market My Market is your partner in developing high-performing content that resonates with your clients nationwide. Allow us to amplify your business’s voice while you concentrate on your regular day-to-day. Discover how our tailored content solutions can make a difference for your business by calling us at (800) 997-7336 or utilizing our online contact form.