Most law firms have a website, but which have the best? Making a great website means giving potential clients the info they need and converting them into leads. While some attorneys new to the internet take this to mean that they should have a nice looking website, the value lies beyond aesthetics. A site should have clear guidelines that help visitors find what they need. Having the right web pages on your site is one part of the equation; no information means no one stays. What are the most important pages to build for a law firm website?

The About Us Page

When someone needs an attorney for their case, they are most likely in an intense emotional state. Perhaps they were just arrested, assaulted, or had a discussion about divorce. When someone is in a negative mindset, technical writing is often too much to process. An “About Us” page is a rare opportunity to show off who you are as a lawyer and as a person. A summary of your background info and values is information that many new website visitors search.


A frequently asked questions page is a given for most websites, but many lawyers have trouble with the formatting. Attorneys have to answer many of the same questions with each new client. Sometimes the answers lead to unfortunate discoveries like being unable to pay for your services. FAQ pages can save you both time and money by presenting the info many potential leads are looking for upfront. This can help you get to the point of a client’s needs when they visit while vetting out anyone who may not be a right fit for your business.

Contact Page

The home page of your law firm website should already have a contact form above the fold. This means the form is one of the first items visitors see when they load the site. Even if you have a contact sheet on your homepage, a page dedicated to how to get in touch with you is a useful resource. The point of the site, after all, is to drive new business. Potential leads can’t contact you if they don’t know your email or phone number.


The importance of a testimonials page depends on what kind of practice you run. Law firms who work with upscale corporations may not have clients who are keen to reveal details about their business setbacks. Personalized lawyers working in fields like personal injury, criminal defense, and immigration attorneys can use a testimonials page to appeal to the potential client’s ethos. Keep in mind that not all of your clients will want their names on your website, and be wary of lengthy testimonials. Each entry should be no longer than a paragraph. Once your visitors learn about your excellent service, add a contact form alongside the testimonials so they can easily contact you.

When you have the most important pages published to your law firm website, it’s time to get into the practice areas and their technicalities. Making your business unique is one of the best features of your website presence, take advantage of your tools! For a consultation on how to improve your law firm’s digital marketing, contact us Market My Market.