Written by Market My Market’s content team, with contributions from Brandi Nicklaus, Kelly Quintana, Isabel Skormin, and Anastasiya Raynor  

Keeping your content current is not only important for your position on search engine results pages, but it’s also the way your readers will stay engaged with your brand and services. But always staying ahead of the curb is challenging, especially in digital marketing, where the criteria for staying relevant constantly change. 

At Market My Market, we know keeping your content current is essential to improving your authority in the industry, which can lead to increased website traffic, engagement, and conversions. We always publish original content, backed by extensive research of the topics your readers want to see. Schedule a discovery call today to let us help you with your content marketing efforts. 

Brandi Nicklaus — Content Specialist

As an experienced content writer, I understand the importance of tiptoeing the balance between staying current with trending topics and ensuring relevance to the target audience. These days, trends come and go at lightning speed, so it’s vital to be strategic when choosing blog topics.

When researching blog topics, I begin by identifying current trends that align with the brand’s identity. Branching from there, I then seek relevant topics I think will resonate with the client’s target audience. Merely chasing trends without considering relevance to the brand and audience can lead to shallow content that lacks substance. This is why I always evaluate trending topics through the lens of the brand’s values, industry expertise, and audience preferences to ensure alignment and authenticity.

However, while trending topics will provide short-term spikes in engagement, “evergreen” content possesses timeless value that stands the test of time, continuing to attract and educate readers long after it’s been published.

Some trends fizzle out quickly, while others have the potential to shape industry conversations and consumer behavior for months or even years to come. By identifying emerging trends with staying power, we position ourselves as thought leaders and stay ahead of the curve in our content offerings.

Anastasiya Raynor — Content Strategist

In addition to research, I also think about the larger picture when it comes to blog topics. Topical clustering is a strategy that helps boost your Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EEAT) on your website. When creating a content plan of relevant blog topics, I create a web of connected ideas that circle back to the main services or unique value propositions your brand offers. This ensures that a reader can find everything they need to know about a topic on your website, making you the right person for their needs. 

Another method to understand the trending and relevant topics that need to be addressed in a content plan is to execute social listening strategies to understand what people are searching about a topic and what information is missing from the web. For instance, is there a pain point that needs to be addressed that hasn’t? Is there a new angle or perspective that can be covered about a service you are offering? All of these strategies support choosing trending topics that best serve your audience. 

Kelly Quintana — Content Writer

As a content writer constantly navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital trends, staying current goes beyond merely following what’s popular at the moment. It’s about understanding your target audience and how to leverage these trending topics to create meaningful connections. One way to do this is not to underestimate the value of repurposing existing content to align with current trends. Updating older posts with fresh insights or repackaging them with updated information and trending conversations can breathe new life into your content library while capitalizing on trending topics.

Really, staying current means staying adaptable and staying proactive in content creation by anticipating trends before they fully emerge. This could involve staying plugged into industry news, monitoring social media conversations, and engaging in ongoing dialogue with the target audience to understand their evolving needs and interests. By staying ahead of the curve, Market My Market writers position themselves as leaders in their field, ready to provide valuable insights and solutions as trends unfold. 

As previously mentioned, it’s crucial to evaluate trending topics through the lens of the brand’s values, industry expertise, and audience preferences. This ensures that, as writers, we are aware of trends but maintain authenticity and relevance.

Elevate Your Content Game with Market My Market

When it comes to ensuring the content we write is ahead of the curve, our process begins before we type out a single word. The research we do when identifying trending topics that are relevant and important to the brand image of our clients is a crucial step in writing dynamic content that will keep readers interested and get them to click the “contact us now” button. 

Whether you are looking for niche blog topics or specific sections in your web pages that you have yet to see the competition use, when you work with Market My Market, our team of writing experts can ensure you are getting the best, most relevant topics to draw in new business. If you are ready to step up your content marketing, give us a call at (800) 997-7336 or fill out our contact form today.