The emergence of ChatGPT has changed the way many companies address content creation. This seemingly cheap way to generate huge volumes of content took a big bite out of quality. For the healthcare industry, including dental practices, the prevalence of AI content comes with benefits and downsides. Becayse Google continues to be extremely strict on quality, keeping content up to par is key to high rankings.

Understanding the best approach to take to the new AI tools can help your dental practice stay ahead of the competition. Let’s take a closer look at the way it works.

Google Believes in AI Content

At the beginning of 2023, Google updated its guidelines about AI-generated content. In these guidelines, the search engine giant confirms that it doesn’t mind websites using artificial intelligence to create content for users. In fact, Google stresses that it has always believed in this type of content. This is hardly a surprise, as the leading search engine has been using artificial intelligence to streamline its work for years.

However, not all AI-generated products are created equal. So, Google emphasizes the importance of content to:

  • Be original
  • Be high quality
  • Demonstrate EEAT (expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) properties

In short, Google doesn’t mind you using AI content as long as it meets the search engine’s quality guidelines. This usually means heavy editing and fact-checking of the content produced by artificial intelligence because it often lacks expertise and demonstrates loopholes.

Medical and Dental Content and Low Rankings

When it comes to the medical and dental industry, creating high-quality content is much more complicated than for the majority of other niches. Errors in dental content don’t just hurt your credibility in both digital and offline worlds, but they can cause real damage to the person who is reading it.

That’s why relying solely on AI to create content for your blogs, websites, and brochures is out of the question. Google understands that too.

Medical websites fall under a particular category called YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) content. It means that these websites discuss topics that may impact a person’s health, happiness, safety, or financial stability.

Because YMYL pages can have a significant negative impact on a person’s health and well-being, Google sets higher standards for their quality. Therefore, dental offices that want to rank higher need to pay extra attention to the value of their content.

Staying In Line with EEAT and YMYL Requirements

No matter how you produce the content for your dental marketing efforts, Google won’t push it up the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) unless it meets EEAT and YMYL requirements.

When a content writer with medical industry experience creates content from scratch, they keep these guidelines in mind. AI isn’t sophisticated enough to do that just yet. That’s why it’s up to your marketing team to make sure that each piece of content is up to par.

Benefits of AI Prevalence for Dental Practices

While AI content doesn’t provide top-notch quality, it can still be beneficial for your content marketing efforts. However, because ChatGPT and its relatives are still in their infancy, you need to become their guiding hand.

A dental practice marketing team can use AI to provide ideas for various types of content including blog posts, articles, and website content. Once the AI tool produces the basic content you ask for, you must review it for accuracy and relevance. This can take less time than writing an article from scratch.

Another benefit of this prevalence is its novelty. The entire web is experimenting with AI-generated content, and many companies are failing. Besides knowing how to prompt the AI tool to produce the right content, you also need to make the output sound valuable. This can take some time and practice.

However, if you manage to learn before your competition does, you gain a major competitive advantage on the SERPs.

Downsides of Using AI for Your Dental Practice

The downside of relying heavily on AI for content creation is the lack of branding. AI-generated content may sound professional, but it can’t reproduce your brand voice. That’s why it may be hard to use this type of content to stand out from the crowd.

Besides fact-checking and reviewing, you would also need to incorporate some personality in this content. By the time you are done with it, Google is likely to give it the appropriate rankings.

Without close review, however, AI-generated content can look spammy. Besides losing your spots on the SERPs, you can face issues related to low-quality content. In some cases, Google may even slap you with a penalty.

It’s important to remember that AI content tools are still young. They also learn from experience. With time, ChatGPT may be able to produce higher-quality content, taking some of the burden off of your marketing team. However, right now, delegating content creation to AI could slow your work down and hurt your rankings.

Leverage AI Content for Your Dental Practice With Market My Market

Understanding how to handle the increasing amount of AI content for your practice is key to staying ahead of the competition. At Market My Market, we’ve been following the AI-generated content trend closely and learning how to use it to the advantage of dental industry players.

To learn more about our ability to help outrun the competition by leveraging the latest marketing tools, call us at (866) 270-2250 or schedule a convenient Zoom call today.