Meet Brandi Nicklaus, a talented content writer and social media strategist on our content team! Brandi is based in Orlando, Florida and has been a valuable asset to Market My Market over the past year. Brandi studied and completed courses in creative writing while attending college and was a cake decorator for the majority of her career. Additionally, a friend helped her get a job with food brands for which she previously crafted blogs and social media content. As a content writer and creative at Market My Market, Brandi enjoys being a part of the content team and crafting copy as she always dreamed since she was a child. 

Q&A With Brandi 

What Motivates You to Get Up for Work Every Day? 

“Working from home offers a lot of flexibility. I take pride in getting things done at my job and making sure I get things done on time so it doesn’t come back to me later.”

What Is a Normal Workday Like for You as a Writer?

“Lately, I have been starting my day walking my dog and being outside. I have been trying to get outside time and have coffee before starting on writing. Sometimes I work at a coffee shop, sometimes Starbucks, or a local shop called Qreate, or I go to the library.” 

How Would You Describe the Company Culture at Market My Market?

“I’d say we are all supportive of each other. We do a lot to improve each other’s writing with workshops and writing prompts. I also haven’t had any negative interactions with our writers.”

What Is Your Proudest Accomplishment While Working at Market My Market?

“The accomplishments on the social media side before the company started growing. Being able to work on other tasks by coming up with social media posts, requesting graphics, creating captions, and reviewing graphics prior to posting. Also, getting good feedback from clients that I work with and managing clients that are trickier relating to their content needs.” 

What Do You Enjoy Doing in Your Spare Time?

“I mountain bike, bake, and travel. I also like hiking and hanging out with my husband, our two cats, and dog.” 

What Are the Three Best Words to Describe You?

“Spooky, hungry, and adventurous.”

Who Is Your Hero?


Where Do You See Yourself Five Years From Now?

 “I honestly try not to look too far ahead, because life is ever-changing. I like to focus and live in the present moments and where that will lead me to be. I think a lot of people put too much focus on where they’d be in five years, but that may not always be a bad thing.”