Engaged traffic converts. For law firms implementing digital marketing strategies, traffic is a primary concern. Even when there are sufficient visitors, the length of time they spend on a website is a huge factor when it comes to conversion. So how can law firms increase the amount of time visitors spend on their pages? Below are a few tips to help keep visitors engaged.

Play up Strengths

Every website will have specific pages that attract more visitors than others. Analyzing how visitors interact with each page and the amount of time they spend there will help determine which pages should contain the majority of content. Consider relating more future content to pages that regularly attract more visitors.

Keep it User-Friendly

Firms that create easy-to-navigate websites attract and engage more visitors. Internal links make pages easier to use and easily guide visitors to the information they are looking for. A user-friendly site also builds trust with the prospective client as they will likely associate the transparency of your website with that of the attorneys working at the firm. Even before they invest in your services, they’ll often refer to your site as a source of information, being that it’s known for providing readily accessible information.

Create Engaging Content

The best way to ensure visitors are engaged is by creating relevant, engaging and unique content. Visitors are attracted to a firm that they feel they can relate to. Mutual understanding of important issues establishes a level of trust and emotional connection with website visitors. Trusting and engaged visitors are more likely to become future clients. Also, consider increasing engagement with content that is well-structured and visually appealing.You can do so by including a video or infographic. Internet browsers’ attention spans tend to be short, so focus on keeping the eye engaged by breaking up text and implementing visuals.

Optimize for Mobile Devices

Mobile web visits continue to top desktop web visits. Optimizing a website for mobile use makes it easy for visitors to access information from wherever they are. In fact, many visitors may actually navigate away from a site if it is difficult to use on their mobile device. To ensure that visitors continue reading, firms need to design their websites with mobile as well as desktop viewing options available.

Engaged users are more likely to become clients. Ensuring your website is optimized for engagement is an important step in both content marketing and the client acquisition process. Market My Market can inform you of how to optimize your law firm’s website design to attract and keep the attention of potential clients. Contact us today to learn about digital marketing strategies your law firm can implement today.