Acquiring clients is becoming more difficult in the changing landscape of legal services. With the advent of do-it-yourself solutions, it’s challenging to compete as an individual practitioner or a small firm. Fortunately, there are several ways to grow your legal practice and express the advantages you can offer to potential clients.

You, of course, are aware that the services you offer are far superior to the generic services advertised online; the key is to communicate that to potential clients. There are a few key points to keep in mind for lawyers seeking to get more clients.

Q&A Discussions

Legal question and answer websites are popping up all over the internet. Take advantage of this opportunity to communicate your knowledge and expertise to potential clients. To do that, browse these sites for questions that are related to your specific area of practice. When you find them, provide helpful, well-constructed answers, but refrain from giving actual legal advice. Your responses will not only be seen by the original poster, but by any future visitors who have similar questions. This way, your expertise is displayed in front of hundreds, even thousands, of people. Be sure to link your firm’s website in the attorney bio on question and answer sites. You want viewers to be able to contact you. They may even become clients!


Content is king when it comes to your digital presence. Creating an informative and helpful blog can do wonders for your firm’s growth. Keep your blog up-to-date with new and relevant information that resolves potential clients’ questions. Brainstorm common legal questions related to your area of practice and provide your own unique insight into these topics. Many people browse the web to find information before committing to hiring an attorney. When you position yourself as a dependable and authoritative source of information, potential clients are much more likely to trust you with their legal cases.

Build a Referral Network

Referrals are generally the most common method of acquiring clients. The more people you know, the more likely you are to get referrals. Begin by building relationships with individuals practicing in related professions. Try establishing connections with doctors, real estate agents, insurance personnel, and attorneys in other practice areas. When their clients have legal issues that are related to your area of practice, they will refer them to you for guidance.

Attend Meetups or Events

As an attorney, the more people you build relationships with, the better. Acquiring clients is much easier when you know more people. That’s why attending meetups and events where you know potential clients will be in attendance is a smart idea. Attending these events allows you to network with a large number of people and get your name out there. It also helps you introduce yourself as a normal, friendly person who is willing to help. Many individuals are intimidated by the thought of hiring legal counsel. If you can dissipate some of that anxiety, you’ll have a better chance of growing your client base.

When it comes to growing a practice, each attorney and firm is unique. What works for one may not work for another. However, you should absolutely try out a combination of several different strategies for building your client base.

When you’ve got a solid idea of your best options, continue to build on what you’ve found. You’ll soon be on your way to a consistently growing practice in no time!

Acquiring new clients can be difficult. A great deal of time goes into figuring out the right marketing strategies for your firm to bring in those new clients. The legal SEO experts at Market My Market are here to help you. Contact us online for a free quote.