Written by Market My Market’s content team, with contributions from Lindsay Bennett, Jordan Kimmel, Tanner Mowery, and McKenzie Fox

Social media can have a substantial impact on how companies and consumers interact with each other on a daily basis. Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube can all help showcase what your business brings to the table while giving consumers the opportunity to find exactly what they are looking for. While a social media strategy can help you make the most of these platforms and focus on your business goals, it may be challenging to know where to start. 

At Market My Market, our in-house social media specialists understand the key elements of a successful social media strategy and are ready to apply our experience and skills to help you achieve your business goals. We are dedicated to delivering an unparalleled client experience through our innovation, transparency, and accountability. 

Contributed by Lindsay Bennett, Content Writer

How Can Social Media Bring in New Clients for Law Firms?

In today’s day and age, social media can oftentimes come with negative connotations, which may drive companies away from utilizing it for business. Immaturity, dependence, and mental preoccupation are common hostile stereotypes that mask the true positives that social media can bring to a business. When utilized properly, social media can help you attract customers, attain customer feedback, and build brand loyalty.

For your law firm, social media can be a tool to guide users to your company’s website, where potential clients can find the data they need to employ your firm. For instance, one path by which users may find and hire your firm could be the following:

  1. You share a blog about the steps to take after a car accident
  2. Potential clients see this post and click the link to learn more
  3. The reader decides they want to learn more by speaking to a lawyer during a free consultation, so in the call-to-action at the bottom of the page—which provides information about how you stand out from competitors and includes your contact form and phone number—they click the link and fill in their information
  4. This leads to a consultation and a potential client

Social media is another method by which you can draw in leads. While different forms of inbound and outbound marketing can be effective, social media provides users a way to engage with the community and adds an element that other forms of marketing can’t. We’ve found that, for the many law firms across the country that we’ve worked with, social media comes with an array of powerful benefits.

Contributed by Jordan Kimmel, Content Lead

3 Steps to Create an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Law Firm

Creating effective and engaging social media posts can be difficult, especially if you are navigating a full-time job or are new to the idea of utilizing it as a marketing tool. In order to ensure you are producing appealing content, it is vital you consider the three following steps:

Define Your Goals

What is your desired outcome when it comes to social media? What would the perfect post do for your law firm? It’s important to write down tangible goals for your social media ventures, such as increasing your general exposure, doubling the number of consultations, driving traffic to your website, and more. 

Utilize a Social Calendar

Plan your posts in advance through the use of a social media calendar. An effective social campaign includes multiple platforms with catered posts. Having a calendar to map out what is being posted and when can bring a sense of clarity and cleanliness to your various social media. 

Don’t forget to take advantage of the actual month itself when you are breaking down your calendar. Can you tie your post to a relevant holiday or awareness week? Staying relevant and keeping with trends is made easier through your pre-planned calendar and is sure to gather prospective clients’ interest.


The last part of an effective online campaign is to linger for a bit. Don’t post and run. It’s important to engage with your followers, which are likely composed of both current and future clients. Have conversations with current clients about their experiences, and answer any questions any prospective clients may have. Engaging with your posts keeps them active, which in turn, reaches more people. 

Contributed by Tanner Mowery, Content Writer

Build Your Brand’s Online Presence With Market My Market

Your company’s digital presence allows consumers to communicate with your team and understand what sets you apart from competitors. Social media plays a significant role in how consumers view your brand. Without a personable and solid social media strategy, you may lose potential clients. 

Market My Market’s in-house social media and content team collaborate to develop and build your social media. From LinkedIn to Facebook, we have skilled professionals working to generate unique content for your brand. Learn more about how our team can increase consumer traffic and social presence by filling out our contact form and calling (866) 634-4441 today.

Contributed by Kenzie Fox, Content Writer