One may remember using advertisements in newspapers and the yellow pages as your main source of increasing clients and growing your law firm. Now there are a lot more options and more effective advertising and marketing techniques to use. These include using digital marketing techniques such as social media, email marketing, and gaining traffic to your website. To gain traffic to your website and appear on the first page of search engine indexes, your law firm’s website has to have good quality content. This content can be gained through blog posts. A law firm’s blog posts can help grow your business. However, these should be done properly. Many blog posts that are posted on legal websites may look great on the surface to lawyers and those working in the legal field, but not to potential clients. Many law firms make mistakes when managing their law firm blog by not taking their audience into account. These mistakes can hinder their business growth and drive clients away. Let’s take a look at the top 5 mistakes when managing a legal blog:

Focusing on the Firm

You may think that it is best to talk about yourself and your law firm on your blog by letting your client know about your legal experience and accomplishments. While this is not a bad thing, it is best to not to keep it as the sole subject of your blog posts. Instead, focus on discussing what you can do for your clients and their situation. Clients will come to your blog looking to see if you can get them out of the situation they are in. They want to know if you will be effective in helping them with their specific case.

Don’t Overdo the Legal Terminology

Many lawyers will use a lot of legal terminology when writing their blog post. This content is great if your audience is a group of other attorneys, but it’s not clear and understandable to the average person. Remember, the majority of your clients probably do not have any experience in the legal field. Reading a blog with too many legal terms will only drive them away and they may just go to another firm’s website to find what they are looking for. Obviously, this the last thing you want. Be sure to create your content with your audience in mind. If you do use legal terms from time to time, be sure to provide a definition in simple terms.

Not Empathizing With Your Audience

Before you begin writing your blog post, take a minute to put yourself in your audience’s shoes. Understand exactly what they would want to read, what they are looking for, and what they are going through. Speak about the risks of not contacting a lawyer, but at the same time let them know about the benefits. For example, if you are creating content for personal injury cases, then be sure to write about how the potential client can be compensated for medical bills and that firm’s attorneys that can answer any questions that may be confused about. Write about what clients are worried about and how those problems can be solved.

Waiting to Post

Don’t wait for something major to happen in the legal world to post a blog. Too many attorneys, wait until new rulings are released or there are legal developments being spoken about on news stations. Remember, clients are going through legal issues every day. Someone is searching through Google to find the answer to their question which you can probably solve. If you have quality content listed in your blogs there is a good chance that they’ll find what they are looking for on your website and contact your firm for more information.

Inconsistent Posts

Another issue is posting to your blog inconsistently. Don’t think you can post a blog every day for one week and then not worry about posting for months. You may have earned search engine page rankings through some of your old content, but you must continue to provide quality content to maintain or increase your rank. The higher you are ranked the more likely potential clients will find your law firm website through your blog so stay consistent with your postings.

For more information on how you can improve your content and improve your law firm’s online presence, contact the Digital Marketing Experts at Market My Market for a free consultation.