Infographics are not limited to digital marketing; in fact, they have a strong presence all over the internet. Since most people are visual learners, an infographic can be a great way to distribute information relevant to your business while keeping the reader engaged. If you are a lawyer or a doctor who works in a specialized field, an infographic can explain what you do and why you do it in plain language. That said, making an excellent infographic takes more than pasting clip-art on a file. You need to ask yourself certain questions while putting together information for your business website:

  • What does your infographic offer that others don’t?
  • Does the service in your graphic provide a public service? (For example: Tips on what to do with an unexpected injury.)
  • Is the content relevant to what you do?
  • Is the information in your infographic something that readers will find relevant?

Once you’ve built your infographic around these questions, you need to find a way to share it with your potential clients. Used correctly, an infographic makes a great compliment to a variety of content strategies.

Putting the Infographic in Your Blog Posts

Chances are your infographic relates to what you do, and much of the data within the photo itself is from your research. Implementing an infographic in your content is a natural way to share easy-to-digest information that couples enticing images with detailed written material. This method can also make for attractive preview images for your blog posts.

Social Media Posts

Because infographics simplify information, some people make the mistake of posting the whole graph at once in social media. This error is similar to showing your full hand early in a card game. The attention span of social media users is such that any photo that takes longer than 5 seconds to parse is considered too long by most. Use these short attention spans to your advantage. Rather than posting the entire infographic in one go, cut it up into sections to create multiple posts.

Paid Ad Campaigns

Your infographics can also be a part of your online paid ad campaigns. If you plan to run Google display advertising, you can take a similar approach to social media posts and cut out an eye catching section of your infographic and make it your Google display ad. You can also run an ad campaign that – when a potential lead clicks on it – they are taken to a page that shows your infographic. Keep in mind that if you take the second approach, you should make it clear that the click will lead to an image. Some people get annoyed or scared away by a picture loading after clicking on an online advertisement.

These are not the only ways an infographic can enhance your company’s content marketing. Including your infographic into a guest post you write for another website, in an e-mail, or as part of your newsletter are valid methods. Knowing when to show your infographic is just one of many small details that can make your digital marketing campaign a success. To enhance your online marketability through a comprehensive strategy, contact the marketing experts at Market My Market for a free evaluation of your business’ advertising efforts.