Web Design

Why UX is Important For Your Business

We all know how valuable content is to a business’s website. Content keeps visitors engaged and ensures they stay on your site. However, there’s another essential aspect to keeping browsers on your website: web design. Many companies may not understand how significant the user experience is to potential customers. User experience (UX) encompasses a person’s […]

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Dude, Where’s My Website?

This is a topic I figured I’d write about, considering it arises with current and potential clients often. Most people know that they have a website, and they bought the domain name at some point in time, but it usually ends there.  When the main questions crop up like “What is your website built on?”, […]

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Downsides of Free Website Builders

The primary focus of new business owners is to create a digital presence. They may have promoted their product or services on their personal social media channels, but now is the time to take the next step in business marketing. The one thing every business needs to make it in the digital age is a […]

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Why Your Website Will Never Be Complete

Your website is the ultimate representation of your company online. Much like the products, services, and information we produce, our websites grow, evolve, become more refined, and, hopefully, become more beneficial to those that count on us.  Just as we spend time developing our business in different ways, so should we update our website on a regular basis. This way, you’ll cover all your […]

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Comparing Website Interaction on Desktop and Mobile

Truly needless to say, people are going to interact with your website differently on your desktop compared to your mobile version.  Taking a look at analytics that specifically compare your desktop to your mobile is important in knowing not only how differently it is, but it can help you makes steps to change the way you want people […]

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An SEO Opportunity…in Images?

Is it possible that your images will rank high enough and be desirable enough to actually earn you leads?  We’re honestly not sure, because we’ve never done that research (expect that report in a month or so), but we’ve always alt tags our images with that expectation.  Simply put, it’s one of those best practices. […]

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How Do I Communicate With the Guy Managing My Website?

Let’s preface with a few things.  If you are a business owner that isn’t using something like Wix or whatever other DIY website, you probably have someone managing your website.  What do we mean by that?  Well, there are two facets.  The hosting, which is the server your website is sitting on (unless you have […]

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10 Tips To Help Your Website Load Faster

Google’s SpeedPage is one of the many resource tools to utilize when attempting to lower the load time of your website.  Faster loading speeds equal lower bounce rates (the % of people who leave your site within a couple of seconds after landing on the site).  Lower bounce rate equal more customers, conversions and sales! […]

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